Letter to the Editor: Jaws of the Metro
A North Sydney resident witnesses a few close scrapes
The North Shore Lorikeet received a missive in our inbox this morning concerned about the rapidity with which the Metro doors are currently closing.
Back in September, Nine News reported that the doors were to close after 45 seconds, down from 60 seconds, depending on whether it was peak time.
Some on the NSL team have seen bags getting stuck in the closing doors, with the user inside the carriage wrestling it free.
We’ve previously noted that the Opal gates inside the Metro stations are quick to chomp closed, too, posing accessibility issues.
Lights and chimes mean the doors are closing and customers are advised not to rush for the doors. But what do you think; are the doors open for long enough?
Stay tuned. We’ll look into it.
To the North Shore Lorikeet,
I just witnessed a guy’s bag getting chomped down on as he tried to enter the Metro cabin at Victoria Cross at 8am. The aggressive jaws of automated timings crunched his bag.
I couldn't make it onto the train. So I type this email to you.
I waited for the next Metro alongside 10 other commuters. The next service arrived eight minutes later.
Doors opened, school children and workers alighted. Then I darted in, and was able to sneak into the cabin.
The 10 others behind me weren't so fortunate. They looked mainly bemused.
There was plenty of space in the cabin to take on the travellers.
Staff looked on, helpless.
I love catching the Metro. It's way smoother than "heavy rail". Aircon, 4G, cleanliness, enclosed so I'm not worried about my son falling in.
With the recent turmoil with the Minister of Transport, silliness with the buses from Mosman, Union and IR issues with trains ... I can only imagine how many plates the transport team are spinning.
But … machines are good only if they don't gobble up people.
From, Resident of North Sydney
Thumbnail image credit: Transport for NSW